A Little Night Music in August

As our spring season barreled down the tracks and came to a screeching summer halt, we found ourselves in need of quiet and solace. We borrowed an RV and headed for the mountains of Cascadia. Completely off the grid, we set up camp at a site on the side of a cliff that overlooked the Ohanapecosh river. A humble creek flowed unassumingly behind us in a trickling waterfall over a moss-covered log, glory in every drop of water. We reached our hands into streams of hot springs that trickled over rocks from within the living volcano. The well traveled trail to Silver Falls was quiet and still as perpetual sunlight followed our footsteps. We buried ourselves in books around the campfire, stared up at the stars as dusk descended, swam in the frigid snow-melt, and slept with the sound of the river lulling us into peaceful slumber. With a few other adventures along the way, we feel restored and refreshed, and with so many hours on the road across Washington state, into Idaho, and all the way up home to Beautiful British Columbia, we listened to satisfying music which I want to share with you. Here comes the mother-load!

This month’s “eine kleine nachtmusik” might take a few evenings to enjoy. I think if I ever lost my ability to hear (or more of my ability to hear as some in my family might say), it would be okay, I would hear music in my head and heart all the same, and bounce to the beat the Lord ingrained in my heart. Music is a gift from the Lord to carry us through soaring heights, comfort us in dark valleys, and lift us on eagle’s wings out of canyons of confusion and despair where we can see clearly again. Music is an intimate way to experience life. I think that is why it is so subjective. What touches one person’s soul will be like nails on a chalkboard to someone else. When one person needs the soothing calm of J.S. Bach’s Air on the G String, another might need a bit of pep in the step with the Dave Brubeck Quartet or the volcanic velocity of Eva Cassidy’s vocals in Oh, Had I a Golden Thread. We come from such varying backgrounds and life experiences. There is no end to the creation of new songs, and for those who trust in Jesus, we have the sure and steady hope that we will enjoy an eternal song.

The following is a list of songs that have accompanied me on many miles of travel this summer in Cascadia, a Land of Falling Waters. May this music fall on open ears, soft hearts, and may it bring you to the stream of Living Water, Jesus Himself.

Trust in the Lord - Jon Guerra

A Thousand Shores - Leslie Jordan

Have Mercy - Paper Horses

John 3:16-17 The Words of Jesus Vol. 1 - The Corner Room

Oh The Mighty Hand - City Alight

All Glory Be To Christ - Emily Weiss

Oh sing to the Lord a new song;

sing to the Lord, all the earth!

Sing to the Lord, bless his name;

tell of his salvation from day to day.

Declare his glory among the nations,

his marvelous works among all the peoples!

For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised;

he is to be feared above all gods.

For all the gods of the peoples are worthless idols,

but the Lord made the heavens.

Splendor and majesty are before him;

strength and beauty are in his sanctuary.

Psalm 96:1-6 ESV Bible

A Little Night Music in July

Photo by LAUREN GRAY on Unsplash

My Mom set apart Sunday mornings as very special in every way she managed our home on the Lord’s Day. Worship filled our home from the moment my sisters and I awoke as music from the record player downstairs beckoned us to begin anew. Dad was already at church rehearsing his sermon, praying, quietly setting up, and making sure everything was ready for the service. It was the 80’s, so with puffy sleeves, feathered hair, jean purses, and jelly shoes, we made our way to church. My mom would give us each a quarter to put into the offering.

It was those first moments of waking to music that I’ve been thinking about this month. I recall songs from Connie Scott, Amy Grant, Michael W. Smith, Hosanna! Music Praise series such as one of my favorites… 1989’s Victory Chant! Turn up the music!

I wanted to carry on this tradition with my family of setting apart Sunday mornings as a special time for the kids and I, while my husband went to work to prepare the music for church as a worship pastor, and now in our church plant as pastor. I put on the music on our streaming device and light a candle, bake dutch baby pancakes with powder sugar on top. We quietly get ready for the morning. Sometimes we leave early, depending on how we’re helping serve that week. But the morning is set apart with worship and a delicious breakfast.

A whole slew of music has accompanied our Lord’s Day mornings over the years, but lately I’ve been playing Josh Garrels’ album, Peace to All Who Enter Here, to lead us into worship of our God as we prepare our hearts to worship with our church family.

If you haven’t heard this album yet, I hope you enjoy each one of these songs as eine kleine nachtmusik in July, and may it accompany your Lord’s Day mornings as well. Prepare well, for it is the Lord we worship. Exalt the Lord our God!

Dutch Baby Pancakes:

1/3 cup flour
1/2 cup milk
2 eggs - lightly beaten
4 Tb butter (I love salted!)
Directions… Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Put it all in a bowl and mix together! While the oven is preheating, put your cast iron skillet in the oven to heat up. When ready to pour the batter, melt 2 Tb butter in skillet. Pour in the batter and bake for 15 mins until pancake is golden brown and climbing up the sides. Pull out of the oven and sprinkle with powder sugar. You can also sprinkle with lemon juice and serve with jam, fresh fruit, or chocolate chips. Enjoy with your people around the table!

Grace upon grace,


A Little Night Music in June: A Song for a Sacred Moment

Photo by Ozgu Ozden on Unsplash

A few weeks ago, I received the news that a beloved pastor in our denomination was in hospice care. Whenever I’ve received news that someone is in the final moments of life, God quiets my soul. I retreat inward into a focused hush. As grief swells around the wound of loss, my focus turns to prayer for that person as they approach the separation of body and soul. This is a sacred space, and an opportunity for God’s redeemed family to serve their brother or sister in Christ one last time, to get down on their knees and wash their feet through prayer as they prepare to run to their Savior.

Even though I didn’t know Rev. Timothy Keller personally, his gospel legacy reached even me, and I can trace his influence on my life ever since 2007 in the majestic alps of Switzerland where I first heard his recorded, gentle, pastoral voice on a cassette tape.

In a little chalet, with books stacked on shelves from floor to ceiling, I was in search of something to study as a newlywed wife. My husband and I had just gotten married and flown to Paris for his college semester abroad as he was studying for his Worship Arts degree. L’Abri, in Huemoz, Switzerland, was one of our stops on our three month journey through Europe, visiting various Christian places of worship and study. The typical visitor to L’Abri comes to study about their specific interests or questions of faith and Christianity. I didn’t arrive with questions (yet), but I wanted to learn about marriage. So I went in search of books and lectures recorded on cassette tape.

As I was browsing one day, I came across a series of tapes on marriage by a visiting teacher named, Timothy Keller. I popped it into the tape player and put on the headphones and settled in for an afternoon of learning. He sounded knowledgeable and wise, Biblical and methodical, and genuinely earnest. You could tell that he desired his students, from different countries and cultures, to clearly understand what he was presenting to them from the Scripture.

This was a pivotal time in my life. At that time I was 29 years old and my faith was solid. My faith that I had held so strongly before coming to L’Abri was about to go through an unexplainable and unexpected spiritual crisis. Additionally, I believe it was all planned by my loving God to guide and prepare me, through many experiences, and His loving sovereign hand, things that I would need later in life to help others also walk through difficult seasons like mine.

A couple years later, I learned of Tim Keller’s best-selling book, The Reason for God. I picked it up, because I was silently and desperately hanging on to my rock solid faith that was seemingly crumbling in the contours of the valley of all my questions. I was afraid of having questions. I was afraid to tell anyone that I was going through this experience. After all, I was a pastor’s daughter, had served in church ministry since I was in 7th grade, had gone to two different Bible schools, worked in various churches, served on missions trips, traveled all over to share the gospel of grace with anyone who would listen at home and abroad. And now, I was overwhelmed with questions and doubts that assailed me and threatened to overwhelm me. What would people think of me? I was simply ashamed to have questions.

The Reason for God helped me, as did various other books on apologetics, a branch of theology that works to defend Christian doctrine. I dove into it like nobody’s business. It became my daily passion, my evening study after I got home from my job, my constant obsession. Even more than my years at Bible college, I studied church history, sought out the writings and arguments of the leading Christian apologists of the day. My husband and I even went to a debate on Christianity held at the very secular University of British Columbia in Vancouver to hear a visiting Christian apologist explain the validity of Christianity. I pondered these things in my heart and wrestled with them in all my waking hours.

Eventually, over time, the faithful hand of God brought me through that spiritual crisis, and because of it, Christ gave me a more compassionate, gentle, and understanding heart for those who struggle with doubt. He took what seemed to be crumbling apart and strengthened it through the fiery trial.

I was working on my computer in our cozy family room the morning I learned that Tim Keller had died. My music streaming device had pulled up a new song that I had never heard before. This song and this grief collided in God’s perfect timing as the reality hit me that an era was over, that my brother in Christ was now with Jesus. I am so thankful for Tim Keller’s faithfulness to Jesus. I share this song here, because that moment was a sacred moment for me. A faithful pastor was home. God is making all things new.

All Things New - Ethan Nathaniel

Gardening, Cozy Homemade Pizza Dough, & Refreshing Iced Vanilla Coffee

Our first strawberries

I’m having an unusually slow Friday, sipping a half drunk iced coffee I made too late in the day, listening to instrumental jazz music, having planted a little cherry tomato plant in an old wooden box I’ve been keeping for years. This spring, we made a spontaneous decision after making many plans for year 3 of our vegetable garden… we aren’t planting a garden this year.

We have many plans this summer, and our human limitations required us to take a year off from gardening. Instead, we are going to create systems and focus on preparing the ground for garden boxes and a drip system, so that next year when we plant, we will be ready for a successful growing season.

In many of the same ways, we are laying more foundations for our church and school this summer. You might say we are planting a garden, but its of the worship and education variety this summer. There will be scraping of decades-old paint, much cleaning, setting up, and preparing a renovated space for our little school. We will be starting a youth girls and youth boys club for our church plant so we can intentionally disciple these awesome youth and build community and relationships. May God establish all these little gardens of grace.

Though we will be taking a break from the large garden plot, I dug up my blueberry starts that I had already planted, my strawberry plants from last year, bought some herbs and repotted those near our front door where I will be sure to water them every morning and evening this summer. I’ll nurture my little cherry tomato plant. And when I’m missing the garden, I’ll go to glean from our parents’ gardens! For now, we have shared our first strawberry and enhanced our meals with cilantro, rosemary, and Thai basil.

A few years ago, I found this recipe for homemade pizza dough. It is our family’s favorite, and we regularly enjoy it on a Friday evening, when the week is done, we’ve worked diligently, and we’ve played hard. Even though we are already in the throws of a 90+ degree spring heat wave, the air conditioning unit is keeping us cool and we can truly call it a “cozy” meal! Here is the recipe if you’d like to try it out:

2 cups hot water
3 tsp active dry yeast
2 TB honey
2 tsp sugar
4.5 cups flour
1 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp salt
*optional 1/4 tsp onion powder)
olive oil

Pour the hot water in a mixer and sprinkle the yeast. Allow it to sit for a few mins (sometimes I don’t wait!) Add all the other ingredients into the bowl except the oil, and mix slowly (or speedy) until combined. Mix for around 7 mins… or just for a little while (I’m not too exact with recipes which sometimes doesn’t help me). Coat the ball of dough lightly in olive oil, just to prevent it from drying out while you wait for it to rise a tad. You can then cover the bowl with a lovely tea towel of your choosing - I’m sure you have some pretty ones! Check out these favorites here! I’ve given a couple of these ones away as gifts as well. The dough can rest while you read another chapter of your favorite book, switch the laundry over, and respond to a text… okay should be ready! Likely it has doubled in size if the yeast is good. If not, that’s okay too, it will still taste yeasty! That’s the most important part! I forgot… preheat your oven to 480 degrees, grease a pan, and be ready to roll out the dough. I usually get 2-3 pizzas out of this amount of dough which is perfect for our family in the tween & teen years. Bake the pizza dough for 4 mins, then pull out of oven, top with desired sauces and toppings. Bake for 8ish more mins or until the crust is slightly brown and cheese is melted! Enjoy with your people!

Iced Vanilla Coffee at home

That iced coffee I was talking about, yes… let’s get back to that, shall we? We were given an espresso machine when we moved here three years ago. So I just brew a couple shots of espresso, pour it over ice from the fridge, and pour in the whole milk. Then I add a splash of vanilla extract (actually I use the imitation vanilla, the fake vanilla to save money.) It tastes delightful and some times there are little hands coming to ask for a sip of my “mommy drink”!

May your weekend be filled with beautiful moments of serving your people.

A Little Night Music in May

Unexpected beauty startled me with joy one spring morning at our church.

Well, hello in May! I am just loving writing these monthly music posts this year. It makes me so happy to share songs that bless and comfort me. Thank you for joining me this year on this musical journey. It breathes life into me to find music that I enjoy, that strengthens me, that feeds and nourishes my soul and mind. In God’s Word, we are told to think on…

“whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” - Philippians 4:8

“And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.” - Eph 5:18-21

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” - Col. 3:16

“Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise from the end of the earth, you who go down to the sea, and all that fills it, the coastlands and their inhabitants.” - Isaiah 42:10

So let us sing to the Lord, shall we?

This month, I want to invite you to discover some music you may not have heard before. Several years ago, while at seminary, a few talented friends collaborated with my husband and I in recording some original songs. It was a creative delight to do something so organic and worshipful while my husband was in the throws of earning his Master of Divinity. In the midst of learning Hebrew, Greek, how to shepherd souls, how to counsel, how to preach the Word of God, how to administer the sacraments, and how to teach from every book in God’s wonderful Word, God allowed these needed outlets of creativity, self-expression, and worship to our Creator and Lord. It was a joy-filled side gig and one that built community and friendship.

There are three albums attributed to Gateway Hymns, this collaborative effort of creating music for the church. Each album is unique in its theme:

Songs for the Journey

Good Friday

The Songs of Fanny Crosby (This album was recorded after our seminary years, but during a two year church planting internship with the Northwest Church Planting Network before church planting in the Pacific Northwest.)

May these songs be a balm to your soul, at the end of a tired day, with a cup of Sleepytime Tea and a place of quiet for your soul to be restored. Be reminded of the God who is there, who loves you, and who paid with His life to purchase you for Himself.

Grace upon grace,


A Little Night Music in April

The candle is lit, Mozart’s strings and flutes play in the background and I sit down for a moment of rest and reflection. Its been a full month, and it seems I am only able to write once a month here on my blog. We have seasons that are fruitful and seasons where our fields lay fallow. Each season has purpose and our labor is to ask the Lord what shall we do in each of those seasons. What shall we do with the time we are given? Should we harvest, or is it time to plant? Should we till the soil and add the nutrients and minerals that will produce a better harvest next year. Should we let the field rest and restore as is God’s wisdom in caring for the land He has entrusted to us. Writing is a place of rest and creativity for me. So the field of this writing space is where I come to recharge and pour out of that rest, but, at least for this season, it is perhaps more sparse, but still there is work being done in feast or fallow.

Today, I want to share some music that has blessed me this month, and may, in turn, bless you the reader. I had never heard of Tenielle Neda before this month, and I am captivated by her music. Her songs are scripture based and come from a Reformed theology background. She is a wife, mom of two, and driver of iron ore trains in Australia - which I think is incredibly cool.

This is the music I play as I have become the chauffeur of my tweens and teens, to transport them and their friends, to drop off at track & field, music lessons, driving to and from school. I am in that season where I spend a large portion of time in my vehicle. So I must be prepared to use my time wisely, to be nurtured in my soul and mind, to learn and grow, to relax to music, and to pray. Driving time can be used for so many kingdom-minded moments. Tic Tacs, hand sanitizer, a bottle of water, a good pair of sunglasses, and a hat for bad hair days are also along for the journey!

What is My Hope? - Tenielle Neda

“And if we live, we live to the Lord. And if we die, we die to the Lord…”

The Heidelberg Catechism was published in 1563 and can be summarized as “an ageless summary of an everlasting comfort.” Question 1 asks, “What is your only comfort in life and death?” The New City Catechism also asks this first question, “What is our only hope in life and death?” The answer is the basis of this song, and Scripture is the basis of this timeless answer.

Romans 14:7–8

For none of us lives to himself, and none of us dies to himself. For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s.

The Heidelberg Catechism answers it this way:

That I am not my own,

but belong with body and soul,

both in life and in death,

to my faithful Saviour Jesus Christ.

He has fully paid for all my sins

with his precious blood,

and has set me free

from all the power of the devil.

He also preserves me in such a way

that without the will of my heavenly Father

not a hair can fall from my head;

indeed, all things must work together

for my salvation.

Therefore, by his Holy Spirit

he also assures me

of eternal life

and makes me heartily willing and ready

from now on to live for him.

This composition is full of emotion as it takes the listener from a minor key, asking the question of what is my hope? Even this simple question is evidence that we live in a broken and sinful world in need of restoration. The fact that we have to ask what our hope is, shows that we need hope to live in this world. It is a sacred question and one that confronts the darkness all around us, the emptiness of worldly pursuits, and the desperate need to be filled with the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit in our souls. There is a sadness that accompanies this question. It is not stated, but it is there in the backdrop of our need to define what is the most important thing about our existence.

The song moves victoriously into the chorus with a triumphant major key resolution, almost a sense of rest as it guides one into the truths of Scripture, the food for our souls to be nourished by. There is an answer to the longing of our souls and it is found in the Bible, the Word of God. As a youth, I remember this verse standing out to me as I searched the Scriptures to know Yeshua more intimately. “If we live, we live to the Lord” was such a radical truth that imbedded into my soul. God was calling me to live for Him.

The words and music of this song become perfect companions for the meaning of these truths and the rest that all Scripture gives in answer to the questions we ask in this dark world, a world that is being and will be renewed and restored by King Jesus.

I pray that you are blessed by this song as much as I have been, and that it will be eine kleine nachtmusik to reflect on in a moment of quiet.

A Little Night Music in March

Photo from Unsplash

I think I would have been a good step dancer in my early years. I never took tap dancing, but I sure did try it out in my parent’s living room when no one was watching, and maybe when my sisters were watching, you know, to make them laugh at my antics! Whether it’s step dancing, ballet, or fiddle playing, there are some things I dreamed about doing that I never have. But there’s always tomorrow!

Fiddle music became a beloved sound in my teen years while attending a worship service led by a Canadian folk music team featuring the fiddle in very lively Canadian-celtic style worship songs. Oh how I loved it. Folk music became as belovedly intriguing as classical, and my curiosity was piqued.

When our daughter was 3 years old, we took her to see a dear church friend perform for her university performance in violin. She was incredible and took our breath away. One of the times she came to visit, she brought her violin for our daughter to hold. Many years later, our daughter asked to learn the violin. It was during this time that I recalled the name of Natalie MacMaster, a Canadian fiddle virtuoso. As we drove to and from lessons, I would play Natalie’s music in our car to inspire my daughter.

Volcanic Jig became one of our favorites, not only for its Canadian-Celtic flare, but also because we live in a state that has several magnificent volcanoes, and living the majority of my life in the Pacific Northwest, the views of Mount Baker, and now Mount Adams and Mount Rainier became landmarks in my own story of place and home. I grew up looking out the windows of our home in southern British Columbia to the beauty of Mt Baker across the border. So many memories are connected with those mountains, they feel more like friends than monuments in the distance.

Natalie MacMaster is from Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia, Canada and married to Donnell Leahy of the famous Leahy fiddling and step dancing family. Their seven children join them on stage with their own fiddles in their live performances! If you enjoy violin and fiddle, I have no doubt you will become an adoring fan of their music and live performances.

Enjoy this video of a live performance of Volcanic Jig and this one of the MacMaster-Leahy kids joining their musical parents on stage!

Today is St Patrick’s Day, and they are releasing their newest album, Canvas! I look forward to playing this album as I prepare our favorite St Patrick’s Day meal!

In the mid-1990’s, I graduated from high school, worked for a year to save up all my cash so that I could attend a Christian discipleship school for a year called His Hill Bible School in Comfort, Texas. It was amazing! It was my first year flying the nest and the Lord took me on many adventures including being immersed in the Bible 5 hours a day for 5 days a week. I grew so much. We were also paired up with a mentor into small discipleship groups of 2-3 students. One day, I needed to process some struggles I was having and my mentor met with me to chat. She opened her Bible to Psalm 63 and read it aloud. It was the very cry of my heart, the desperate attempt to put into words what I longed to express to the Lord, and my yearning to know Him more deeply. This passage became a treasure:

O God, You are my God; I shall seek You earnestly;
My soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You,
In a dry and weary land where there is no water.
Thus I have seen You in the sanctuary,
To see Your power and Your glory.
Because Your lovingkindness is better than life,
My lips will praise You.
So I will bless You as long as I live;
I will lift up my hands in Your name. 
My soul is satisfied as with marrow and fatness,
And my mouth offers praises with joyful lips.
When I remember You on my bed,
I meditate on You in the night watches,
For You have been my help,
And in the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy.
My soul clings to You;
Your right hand upholds me.

Psalm 63:1-8 NASB

God’s love is better than life and my soul knows this very well. It is also the theme of one of Caroline Cobb’s new songs on an upcoming album called Psalms: The Poetry of Prayer. Better Than Life (Psalm 63) has been on repeat in my truck these days, God’s Word set to music, filling my soul with worship to the King. I hope it blesses you too as winter passes the baton to spring, as baby chicks grow their feathers and adjust to their coop, and petals unfurl to add color, brightness, and warmth to our days.

Photo from Unsplash